Heal, Activate, Transform

Reconnect with your own power and wisdom

It is a joy to welcome you to my virtual space!
My healing work is about bringing more authenticity to our lives and making stronger our inner connection and our understanding of who we are, so we can step up to share our light and live in alignment with our life purpose. 
Light Codes
What are they?
The Light Codes are an expression of the language of the Universe, they are a combination of sound, light, colour, sacred geometry and numbers and each one of them holds a multidimensional frequency that has a very specific information that interacts in a very personalized way with each person. 

Their purpose is to help us to remember our cosmic origin and to transform and release limiting conditioning and beliefs, as well as emotional wounds and traumas through the release of the frequency and information that they provide. 

They are a very advance healing tool to assist us with evolving on levels we may otherwise have difficulty accessing. Light Codes transmit an energetic activation that brings us healing, raise our frequency and expands our consciousness and once they are activated within the lattice of our light body it weaves the bridge between our consciousness and higher dimensions.

Light Codes 
What they do?

Raise your frequency 

Expand your consciousness 

Upgrade your DNA 

Release emotional or mental imbalances

Accelerate your evolutionary process 

Helps you to access new levels of peace and understanding 

Increases your intuition

Helps you to access more easily your talents 

Empowers you to live a more authentic life

Aligns yourself with your purpose

Arcturians Codes
The Arcturians Codes are a system of light codes transmitted by the Arcturians who are beings that inhabit in the Arcturus star in the Constelation of Bootes. Arcturians operate from the 5th and 7th Dimensions and they have been working very closely with Gaia and humanity to support her and us with the ascension and evolutionary process that we are experiencing.

The main purpose of the Arcturian’s Codes is to guide humanity to free themselves from suffering. The intention is to help us to release all the karmic ties and painful memories that are stored in our cellular memory and are blocking our ability to evolve and expand. 

They a are a very comprehensive and advance healing system that works at many levels to accelerate personal transmutation. 

This system of Codes has been channeled by Quantum Holoforms.

Goddess Codes
The Goddess Codes is a healing system of light codes that was transmitted by Mary Magdalene. 

She was a very advanced master that worked equally with Jeshua to anchor the Christ Consciousnes energies in the planet, activating the process of ascension to a higher dimension. 

Her calling for us is to make us remember that we are here to access our own mastery.

The Goddess Codes act as a bridge to help us connect with the Divine Feminine and to receive her healing energy and make it more present in our lives and the world. 

Their main purpose is to help humanity to heal the wounds of the masculine and the feminine. and to reconnect with our own twin flame, the one that resides in our own heart, helping us to restore the balance of our masculine and feminine energies within us because when that inner balance is  restored acts as a gateway to access higher frequencies and it plays a vital role in the process to embodying 5th Dimensional energies.

This sistem of Codes has been channeled by Quantum Holoforms.


This session is a combination of Mentoring and Healing.

Together will dive deeply into an inner exploration to find out the roots of whatever may be out of alignment within yourself or in your life.

The intention is to Recalibrate your being either emotionally, mentally, energetically or spiritually so you can come back to your centre having more clarity about where you are right now in your life and which are the next steps for you take.

This is a very profound and powerful session that will help you to restore the connection with yourself and to open up to your highest potential.

Womb Healing
The Womb is one of the most important feminine energy centres, it is the generator and Keeper of Life, the source of full feminine expression and the place that births new realities and holds a power for deep transformation.

Womb Healing is an energy healing method that helps women to heal aspects that are connected with their womb and their Feminine Nature.

It helps women to restore the balance within themselves, her cyclic nature and her energy centres and it has got the ability to release old blockages and patterns stored in the womb, freeing women from old conditioning.

The womb holds the feminine wisdom accumulated through generations and when a woman restores the connection with her own womb she opens up to her own Womb Wisdom and that is one of the most powerful things she can do for herself. 

Let's stay in touch


All my life has been a continuous “initiatic path” that has taken me on a journey of exploring and learning many healing modalities and spiritual practices over the last 30 years but I believe that what has really given me the depth and the real understanding about how we can heal and how we can become a better version of ourselves has came from my own personal healing journey and the continuous searching to learn how we can keep expanding our consciousness.

A turning point in my life was when I connected with the Divine Feminine and it was through her that I learnt that we are here to bring the balance into the world and that the way we do that is by embracing the polarity within us. Through her came the healing I needed to fully embrace my destiny.

After that, I was strongly guided to access a new level of frequencies through the use of the Light Codes and that started a very potent time of inner transformation and all my healing work has transformed since then.

I am Spanish and I carry with me the passion of a very sunny land and the joyfulness of the Mediterranean sea. I live in England, very near of the sacred land of Avalon, this very magical place called me many years ago. My path is very connected to this land and the teachings that I receive from Avalon keep unfolding and guiding my journey.

I believe that we have left behind the times of following others and we are here to find the master that is within us and my work is about that, about helping others to reconnect with their own power and wisdom, so they can step up and together we can all co-create a new reality.

If you would like to know more about my work or book a session,
please get in touch.
I work in Glastonbury, Frome and online.